different "skins" (including color schemes and background images).
You'll get a wider choice of skins as your Level increases through
diligent spanking of your email and Facebook contacts.
In the future I'd like to have skins by graphic designers; maybe there
will be a contest for skin design. But to start things off I'm doing
a couple myself.
1) Darkspank, with a black background and light text. That one is about done.
2) Macspank, which will appear more like the Apple computer
environment. Not sure if I can pull this off.
3) Babespank. Your screen is adorned with babes.
4) Baconspank. Featuring bacon graphics.
5) Zen temple. I'm envisioning a Japanese Buddhist temple in a
mountain forest; may be difficult for me.
6) The cubicle. Your screen resembles a cubicle setting.
Some or all of them may have dynamic components. For example, the
temple may change lighting from morning to night; the cubicle may get
new post-it's throughout the day.
Look for it in Version 2. If you have skin requests fire away. If
you're interested in designing skins just holler and/or stay tuned.