Some schemes underway:
A PUBLIC LAUNCH will be coming "soon", at a secret disclosed-just-before-it-happens date. There will be some bonus excitement timed to occur with the launch. Linkspank will go from being the web's best-kept secret to... something else.
A Facebook Application is coming soon. A linkspank app for facebook currently exists, but that was really just dipping our toe in the water. A "real" one, with sweet features, is coming soon.
The News Feed will be changed. I know that makes people nervous, because they love the news feed. Don't worry - it won't be deleted! Merely improved, to a slightly less generic, more informative format. It will make it easier to get spanky with your friends and track your spanks.
An amazing recommendation engine will appear. It will help connect people with the precise spanks they will love. It enrich your life. It will make your friends think you are a special genius. It will blow your mind.
Finally, more of the basics. We're always changing little things on the site. We know that your free time on the web is important time for you, and we want to try to make every little detail just nice.